Nikita is an exchange student from India. She has decided to use her yoga certificate to start a yoga club at KEA. 

Background info

  • Name: Nikita Binaykiya
  • Age: 21
  • Education: Sustaninable Fashion Technology
  • Semester: 6. semester

Where do you volunteer?

“I'm a yoga volunteer, and every week we do this fun yoga session at Tech and Story Lab. So, it is a weekly thing that we do. “ 


What made you volunteer? 

“I've been doing yoga for 7 years now, and over this time I have come to realise how miraculously amazing this practice is and

how it has helped me holistically. So, I just warned to share this amazing practice with my community. I felt, why not begin at KEA when I am here? I just want to spread the art of yoga around the globe. I feel KEA gave me a great platform to do so. So, here I am volunteering. “ 


3 good reasons to volunteer? Nikita pic 1

  1. Learning new skills - “Honestly, the number one thing which has helped me a lot is the managing and organizational skill. It is very important to get many different types of people together for doing one thing. So, through this thing I have been able to learn how to do that probably. “ 
  1. Giving good experiences to others - “Secondly, it is a good way to help people stay fit and healthy, and also giving them a good start for the week. “ 
  1. Networking - “Third, I would say definitely the connection building I am exposed to. Through these yoga sessions I get to meet people outside my classroom. KEA have a really big community of people.  Through these meetings I get to meet a lot of these people I would not get to meet otherwise. So, that it also amazing here. “ 


How much time do you do you spend on your volunteer project? 

“It is usually an early session weekly. But then, I would also calculate the time I spend on preparation for these things. I would say, on an average two and a half to three hours per week.” 

Have you learned something new from volunteering at KEA? 

“Yes definitely, I would say. The managing skill is something I am getting better at. It is a hustle to get people together at one place, when I don’t know anybody here, there are just a few people that I know of. To spread the message to a big crowd and getting them together is a big thing. So, I think that that is one thing that I have learned.  

And secondly, with every session I am able to get more confident. So, that is also a good way to practice myself, and getting my art to other people is something that I am learning.” 


Why should you volunteer? 

“I would say for me it has been the internal happiness. Whenever I take these sessions with other people here, I get this different sort of happiness and sense of accomplishment that I feel I wouldn’t get otherwise, and that makes me feel very productive and like something I have earnt. That is one good thing.” 

“And secondly definitely the connection building you get to do. You get to meet different people, so it is a good way to interact with people. And as an exchange student I feel it is an amazing thing to be able to interact and chat with many different sorts of people that you wouldn’t meet. It is interesting.” 


Does yoga sound like something for you?

Nikita is sadly leaving us this summer. Do you, or someone you know want to start a new KEA yoga team, then write to us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Yoga team