Friday bar 27 August
Friday bar 27 August
Friday bar 27 August
Friday bar 27 August

KEA Student Life

KEA Student Life invites you to an education with lots of social activities and committed associations with room for everyone.

Student life at KEA consists of student political and social initiatives, run by volunteer students who are passionate about creating the best conditions for a safe and fun study environment.

As a volunteer at KEA, you make a huge difference for your fellow students’ and your own student life. You can express your own opinions, create change and form unique communities with other KEA students across programmes years. In addition, you will learn to collaborate with others as well as to negotiate with representatives from the business community or other professional organizations.

Common to all associations and volunteers is the vision of a KEA for all students, and a KEA that makes it fun and safe to study. Differences are respected and valued, and we work to create a study environment for everyone.

At Student Life, we are deeply grateful for how much the volunteers do for KEA. That's why we've procured several exclusive volunteer discounts around the city.

  • Ristet Rug: Coffee DKK 20 and sandwiches DKK 65.

    BRUS: 10%

    RUST: Free wardrobe

    Mud Honey: 20% on coffee

    SMAG: 10% on Fælledvej

    Simply Cooking: 10% before 10:00 a.m

    Café Sirius: 20% Monday to Friday


In the calendar, you will find upcoming events that address you as a student.

About Student Life

KEA Student Life works to create the best and most inclusive study environment at KEA.

we want the study environment to be characterized by fun events and initiatives. We work for the students' voices to be heard, and for KEA to have room for EVERYONE despite differences.

We are located in a shared office with the library on Campus Guldbergsgade, where you are very welcome to come and greet or ask questions. Here we work hard to create the best conditions for you.

Write to us at  

Casper, Mikkeline, Daniel and Søren from KEA Student Life

Take part in setting the agenda at KEA!

We invite all students to attend the Student Council’s general assembly on Thursday 5 November at 16:15-17:15 in the Conference Hall at Guldbergsgade or online.

Due to COVID-19, only the first 50 students to sign up can participate physically. Everybody can join through Teams!

Write to no later than 29 October if you:

  • have items for the agenda
  • have proposals for amendments to the Articles of Association
  • wish to run for the DSR Chairmanship

Duo to COVID-19, we only have 50 physical seats, but remember that everyone can join through Teams!

If you’d like to participate physically in the Conference Hall at Guldbergsgade, sign up using this form

If you’d like to participate via Teams, join through this Teams link

Sign up for the General Assembly (get a seat in the conference hall)

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Student life is something we create together!

Student life is something we create together!

Every semester we invite you to parties and a lot of fun events that help create an exuberant student life.

All students have the opportunity to engage in different activities and provide their input so that we can constantly adapt the student environment to your needs.

On this page you can read more about student-run associations, events and much more.

Contact KEA Student Life

Stephan and Maria from KEA Student Life
Join in!

Join student political and social activities

Four reasons to get involved!

Expand your social and professional network

Get skills and experience for your CV

Tons of fun experiences

Test your knowledge from the classroom in the real world

Student political activities

  • Student democracy and student political work are priorities at KEA.

    DSR – The Student Council - warrant an ongoing dialogue between KEA's management and KEA’s students to ensure that our study environment is inclusive and that our programmes are of high quality.

    DSR represent KEA students’ professional as well as social interests, giving the students direct influence.

    Among DSR’s focus areas are the programmes’ structure, intended learning outcome and course topics. They also deal with the social task of contributing to the establishment of a good study environment, at the individual programmes and across KEA’s departments. As to social activities, DSR collaborates with RUS (arrangements for first-year students) and KEA’s Friday Bars also run by engaged volunteer students.  Further, DSR is represented in the Education Committee and has a seat in KEA’s Board of Directors.

    Other than engaging in DSR, you can commit yourself as a SER (Study Environment Representative). SERs focus on the every-day life as a student at KEA. Every class at every programme has one or more SERs representing individual local interests at KEA. As such, SERs take part in the student political work at KEA.

    Organisation of student political work at KEA

    DSR Chairmanship: Consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman and a cashier. The DSR Chairmanship is the superior representative of DSR at KEA.

    DSR Council: Consists of the DSR Chairmanship and the chairman and vice-chairman of the 4 DSR local councils. This provides for a broad representation of students from KEA’s programmes in the DSR Council.

    DSR Local Councils: The 4 DSR local councils are the local councils for Build, Design, Tech and Digital. The Chairman and vice-chairman sit in the DSR Council. Each local council has its own decentral organisation, but as a minimum, they all have a chairman and a vice-chairman. Representatives for KEA's Education Committee are elected from among the students in the respective DSR Local Councils.

    SERs: SERs represent their individual class at the various programmes. Once every semester, the SERs meet with the DSR Local Council of the individual department at KEA.

    For futher information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Grants to the students' association

    Once a year, higher education institutions under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science are awarded a grant earmarked for the institution's student organisations.

    KEA - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology has one independent student organisation, The Students' Association, which in the year 2018 received 100% of the grant from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

  • Have a direct impact on your study and learning environment, and help make your programme even better!

    As a Study Environment Representative (SER), you have the opportunity to participate actively in the work to make your programme and your study environment even better.

    You are the link between your fellow students and KEA and take the lead in the work to ensure the optimal educational and study environment of your programme.

    What are the tasks of a study environment representative?

    • You participate in meetings with management concerning education and study environment – and your opinion makes a difference
    • You can create the space for dialogue and focus on study-relevant topics, e.g. the quality of teaching, the physical study environment and well-being

    What do you get out of it?

    • You’ll have a direct impact on your study and learning environment
    • You’ll strengthen your network across KEA
    • You’ll develop your collaboration and dissemination skills
    • You'll be prepared for the task through courses
    • You’ll get skills you can use on your CV
    • You'll have the opportunity to test new sides of yourself

    Close cooperation with KEA Student life

    As SER, you are in close cooperation with KEA Student Life and the head of your programme. Here, you’ll be the voice of your team and further communicate the challenges and questions you encounter in your team community.

    If you can see yourself in the role of study environment representative, sign-up via the link below.

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Social activities

  • At KEA, there are four student-run bars, all of which have a permanent Friday bar. The bars are run by committed students who want to create a festive and social framework for their fellow students.

    If you want to become part of a dynamic bar environment and help organise some cool events, then contact one of our four bars. We look forward to hearing from you!  


    Is a Friday bar focused on “hygge”, gaming, and cold beers at Lygten 37.

    Come join us!

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


    Offers a great atmosphere, beer pong and nice people - every Friday!

    Right in the heart of Nørrebro on Campus Guldbergsgade

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


    Moonbar is situated on Lygten 16 and every Friday it invites you to a blast of a party that is said to make you forget about the trivialities of everyday life!

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   


    Monkeybar is situated in PCG and every Friday from 14-22 things get quite lively under the motto: Welcome to the jungle!

    Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


  • Do you want to help give the new students at KEA a study start they'll never forget? Then join the TUTOR team at KEA. We promise it's going to be a party!

    Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and learn more about what each programme offers and become part of a social and relevant study start!

  • We can only encourage you to engage in different clubs and activities at KEA!

    When you join clubs, you become part of a social community and you will have the opportunity to expand your network and meet other students across program areas, nationalities and interests.

    Clubs at KEA are also a unique opportunity to grow as a human being - both professionally and personally.

    When you engage in voluntary activities during your studies, it also says something about you as a person. You show commitment, determination and willingness to take responsibility when necessary while supplementing your professional profile by acquiring tangible skills that you can write on your CV.

    If you can't find a club that suits your particular interests, keep in mind that it's as easy to start your own club as it is to sign up for one of the existing ones.

    You can be sure that we're with you all the way if you need good advice or support. If you want to set up an association, we offer legal advice.

    What to do if you want to start a club

    • Find a few fellow students who will support the club
    • Briefly describe what the club is all about
    • Specify which category best suits your club: 'Body & mind', 'Culture', 'Diversity', 'Leisure' or 'Professional'?
    • Send your description of the club to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Your club will then be part of the Club Network, we’ll send out a welcome email to everyone in the network and register your contact information.

“As a volunteer, I've gotten to know a lot of people and I've learned a lot about myself and about starting an association”

- Tobias, BAR37

Your ideas

Make your mark on KEA

Active in KEA's Student Life

Do you dream of being part of a larger network? And do you want to create better opportunities for you and your fellow students? In that case, KEA offers several opportunities for students who would like to make their mark on their course of studies.

At KEA you have the opportunity to engage in everything from political to social associations. Being part of a larger network can both strengthen your student life, expand your skills and give you valuable experience that you can bring to a future workplace. You can either become part of the existing initiatives – or start something completely new. Don't worry, we'll help you!

All associations are student-run and your work will always be done in interaction with your fellow students.

You choose for yourself what your role should be and where or how much you want to engage. Together with KEA's volunteer students, you can engage in close dialogue with your head of programme, influence decisions and initiate political changes, plan Freshman Trips, hold Friday bars, organise your own events or set up a new association.

Read more about the individual associations and options by clicking on the links below.


Sign up by filling out the form below. Please specify briefly where you would like to volunteer so that we can put you in touch with the relevant students.

Can't you make up your mind? Fill in the form and describe under "Other" why you would like to be a volunteer. Then we’ll be ready to support you with good advice on volunteering at KEA.

Become part of KEA volunteers

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What can we offer?

Large social network

Experience and competence development

Financial resources for projects

Opportunity to develop your own clubs, associations and initiatives

Exclusive events for volunteers

KEA at home

KEA at home

Studying should be great – even if Corona limits social and academic events this semester. Therefore, we would like to invite all students to participate in our virtual activities.

We promise it will be good and we look forward to seeing you!

Remember, if you have a good idea for a virtual activity or event, you are very welcome to pass the idea on to us: 


Join us for a new and educational webinar every week from 14-16:30!

Get inspired and gain new knowledge about e.g. entrepreneurship, dyeing textiles, how to make podcasts and much much more. Sign up here!

It will be both fun and educational! Keep an eye on the info screens, and KEA STUDENT LIFE’S FACEBOOK to keep up to date on which webinars you will be attending in the coming weeks.

See all our webinars



Do you love gaming and are you ready to play CS:GO with your fellow students? In the KEA CS:GO community there is room for everyone.

KEA has two 128 tick servers and a Discord server available. You can keep an eye on upcoming playing days and tournaments in the Facebook group, where you will also find links to Discord, information on the servers and much more.

Sounds interesting? Then join us in the CS:GO Community Group on Facebook

Deltag i den virtuelle studiegruppe på KEA

Virtual Study Group

Do you still receive a lot of online teaching at home, and do you have a hard time structuring your day?

Then you have the opportunity to participate in KEA's virtual study group. Here you can meet with students across KEA, and together with our study environment coordinator, Stephan, find out how best to create structure in your everyday life and manage study assignments. 

The virtual study group begins on the 21st of September and every following monday from 9-14 on a drop in basis.

You can join the study group on no later than the previous friday at 14.

Mor studerer mens barn leger

Students with children

Do you find it hard to balance your studies with family life? Then join our Teams group and share tips, tricks, inspiration and experiences with each other. In our Teams group, you can also ask our study counsellors direct questions about the subject as they too are members of the team.

Join the Teams group

If you wish to participate in our colour webinar 18. November, please sign up here

Vi har i øjeblikket ikke planlagt nogle KEA Student Live-webinarer. Lige så snart vi har noget nyt på plakaten kan du finde det og tilmelde dig her i formularen.

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Events and parties

You are invited to a wide selection of social and festive events!

Inputs (yes please!)

If you have good ideas for events and parties, please share them with us.

We are more than ready to make your dreams come true!

Write to KEA Student life on

Semester start party

Every semester we invite you to a blast of a party for all KEA's students. In keeping with tradition, the party is held at Docken, where enticing rhythms and swaying palm trees set the standard.


The Semester Start Party in September 2020 is cancelled due to COVID-19.



Come and join the annual KEA Cup, where students across KEA can test their skills on the football field.

We provide good atmosphere, big trophies and glory for the winning team. The players need all the support they can get, so please stop by and cheer your favourite team on from the side lines.


KEA Cup 2020 is cancelled due to COVID-19.

Kea Cup

KEA Talks

KEA Talks is a series of professional yet laid-back presentations inspired by TED Talks on topics such as business, technology and design.

It is free to attend the event and of course we provide coffee and cake. All you have to do is sit back, soak up knowledge and ask questions if you like.

Do you want to give a presentation to KEA Talks or do you know anyone who might be interesting to get hold of? Write to  

Check calendar for the next date.

Kea Talks

Friday bar

At KEA there are four student-run bars, all of which hold a permanent Friday bar.

All KEA students are welcome at all bars!

Choose from Bar 37, Gold Bar, Moonbar or Monkeybar and enjoy a well-deserved beer – or two – with your fellow students.

Read more about the bars on


All bars at KEA are currently closed due to COVID-19.


Become a buddy


Become a BUDDY at KEA

Every semester, a new team of expectant international students begin their studies at KEA. They are new in Denmark and on the programmes and look forward to becoming part of a larger social network.

The Buddy team makes sure that the students get off to a good start and are shown around Copenhagen and at KEA. The team points out good bars, hangs out with the students and gives them an insight into the sweet Copenhagener and KEA life.

As a buddy, you and minimum one other current KEA student will add up to a dynamic buddy team. Together, you will help a small group of 4-6 new international students become accustomed to KEA and Copenhagen.

When you sign up as a buddy, you commit to the following:

  • Contact the international students who was assigned to you and your buddy-team
  • Give a tour around KEA, and help with general questions
  • Show them the everyday life as a student at KEA
  • Hang out with your buddy-team and make them feel comfortable

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact KEA Student Life at